Sunday, April 29, 2012

13 year old houseperson

I really don't know how you mothers do it. Cleaning, Laundry, Cooking, etc. Today since we are doing major work on the house, I was put in charge of keeping the house in as much order as it could be. My mom and older brother were painting the outside of the house, and my dad was tiling the bathroom and doing some plumbing. We had days worth of laundry backed up, so can you guess how was in charge of that? Me. Not only that, but the dryer isn't drying well, so I had to hang some clothes outside to dry. See?

I also BBQ chicken for dinner. I thought the raw chicken was slimy and gross, but the finished outcome was extremely delicious. My mom even said that it was the best chicken she's ever had. And that's the dryer beeping. Time for another load of laundry. I'm tired and my feet hurt like crazy!!

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